Working group 9
Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in mathematics education research
- Introduction / Susanne Prediger, Marianna Bosch, Ivy Kidron, John Monaghan, Gérard Sensevy
- Research problems emerging from a teaching episode: a dialogue between TDS and ATD / Michèle Artigue, Marianna Bosch, Joseph Gascón, Agnès Lenfant
- Complementary networking: enriching understanding / Ferdinando Arzarello, Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Cristina Sabena
- Interpreting students’ reasoning through the lens of two different languages of description: integration or juxtaposition? / Christer Bergsten, Eva Jablonka
- Coordinating multimodal social semiotics and institutional perspective in studying assessment actions in mathematics classrooms / Lisa Björklund-Boistrup, Staffan Selander
- Integrating different perspectives to see the front and the back: The case of explicitness / Uwe Gellert
- The practice of (university) mathematics teaching: mediational inquiry in a community of practice or an activity system / Barbara Jaworski
- An interplay of theories in the context of computer-based mathematics teaching: how it works and why / Helga Jungwirth
- On the adoption of a model to interpret teachers’ use of technology in mathematics lessons / Jean-Baptiste Lagrange, John Monaghan
- The joint action theory in didactics: why do we need it in the case of teaching and learning mathematics? / Florence Ligozat, Maria-Luisa Schubauer-Leoni
- Teacher’s didactical variability and its role in mathematics education / Jarmila Novotná, Bernard Sarrazy
- The potential to act for low achieving students as an example of combining use of different theories / Ingolf Schäfer
- Outline of a joint action theory in didactics / Gérard Sensevy
- The transition between mathematics studies at secondary and tertiary levels; individual and social perspectives / Erika Stadler
- Combining and Coordinating theoretical perspectives in mathematics education research / Tine Wedege
- Comparing theoretical frameworks in didactics of mathematics: the GOA-model / Carl Winslow