Aman, Robert
School of education (Glasgow)
University of Glasgow
Boyask, Ruth
Plymouth University
Brown, Chris
University of Portsmouth
Cain, Tim
Faculty of education (Edge Hill University)
Edge Hill University
Day, Stephen
University of the West of Scotland
Evans, Linda
School of education (Leeds)
University of Leeds
Fernandez Vavrik, German D.
CEMS - Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux
LIEPP - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d'Évaluation des Politiques Publiques
King's Learning Institute
King's College London, EHESS - Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'études politiques de Paris
Grek, Sotiria
School of Social and Political Science (Edinburgh)
University of Edinburgh
Hudson, Brian
Centre for Teaching and Learning Research (Sussex)
University of Sussex
Lawn, Martin
University of Edinburgh
Moreau, Marie-Pierre
Paulo Freire institute UK
Centre for Educational Research in Equalities, Policy and Pedagogy (Roehampton)
University of Roehampton
Mouroutsou, Stella
University of Glasgow
Newman, Anneke
University of Sussex
Rimbaud, Yann
CCER - Centre for Computing Education Research
Edinburgh Napier University
Taylor, Chris
Cardiff University
West, Anne
LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science
University of London