- abandon scolaire
- prévention
- violence scolaire
- environnement scolaire
- dépression
- adaptation psychosociale à l’adolescence
- transfert de connaissances
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[2012] Accroître la réussite scolaire en milieux défavorisés : article de revue
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[2008] Are there Detrimental Effects of Witnessing School Violence in Early Adolescence? Journal of Adolescent Health, 43(6), 600-608. : article de revue
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[2008] School engagement trajectories and their differential predictive relations to dropout : article de revue
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[2000] L'abandon scolaire chez les adolescents : Perspective nord-américaine : article de revue
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[2000] Predicting different types of school dropout : A typological approach on two longitudinal samples : article de revue
Janosz, M., Le Blanc, M., Boulerice, B., & Tremblay, R.E. (2000). Predicting different types of school dropout : A typological approach on two longitudinal samples. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 171-190.