Catherine Paradeise
Professeur.e émérite ou assimilé
UPEM - Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
catherine.paradeise [at]

Adresse Professionnelle
LISIS, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
Cité Descartes 5, boulevard Descartes
77454 Champs sur Marne Cedex 02
Sur le web

  •  Sociologie

  • Thématiques de recherche

    Organisations et politiques d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche

    marché du travail, professions, relations professionnelles

  • Politiques publiques et gouvernance

  • Niveau
  • enseignement post-secondaire ou premier cycle de l'enseignement supérieur
  • deuxième et troisième cycles de l'enseignement supérieur

  • Mots clés

    Publications majeures


    2017. Elite Universities and the Production of Academic Elites. Discourses, Policies and Strategies of Excellence and Prestige in Higher Education, co-ed., with R. Bloch, A. Mitterle and T. Peter. Palgrave-MacMillan.

    2015. In search of academic quality, with J.-C. Thoenig, Palgrave-MacMillan (Spanish translation forthcoming 2017).

    2016. University under Pressure, co-ed., with E. Berman, Research in Sociology of organizations Series, Emerald.

    2009. Global science and national sovereignty. Studies in historical sociology of science, co-ed., with G. Mallard and A. Peerbaye, Routledge, New York (paperback version 2011).

    2009. University governance: Western European comparative perspectives, co-ed.,  with E. Ferlie, I. Bleiklie, E. Reale, Springer, Dordrecht (Chinese translation forthcoming 2017).

    Articles in journals

    2017. Higher Education Institutions As Strategic Actors, with Jean-Claude Thoenig, European Review, forthcoming

    2016. The Strategic Capacity of Academic Institutions, with Thoenig J.-C., Minerva, 54(3), 293-324. DOI 0.1007/s11024-016-9297-

    2014. Organizational governance and the production of academic quality. Lessons from two top US universities, with Thoenig J.-C., Minerva: Volume 52, Issue 4, 381-417.

    2013. Academic institutions in search of quality. Local orders and global standards, with J.-C. Thoenig, Organization studies, vol. 34(2), 195-224.


    2016. The emergent action field of metrics: from rankings to altmetrics. with G. Filliatreau, in Berman. E and C. Paradeise (co-eds.), University under Pressure Research in Sociology of organizations Series, Emerald.

    2014. Pressions du marché, recomposition des alliances disciplinaires et impacts épistémologiques sur les disciplines, with M. Noël and G. Goastellec, in Gorga A. & Leresche J.-Ph., Transformation des disciplines académiques : entre innovation et résistance, Editions des archives contemporaines, 19-38.

    2014. Relevance and Excellence in Higher Education Vocational Schools. Business Schools as Institutional Actors, with J.C. Thoenig, S. Mignot-Gérard, E. Biland, G. Goastellec and A. Delemarle; in Pettigrew A.M., Cornuel E. and U. Hommel (eds), The Institutional Development of Business Schools, London, Oxford University Press : 126-51.     

    2014. La France face aux dilemmes actuels de l'enseignement supérieur dans le monde, s, in Collomb B. (ed.) La France dans le monde, Académie des sciences morales et politique, Paris: Hermann.

    2012. How much is enough? World annual conference of the Agence française de développement, translated in English as How much is enough? Does indicators-based management guarantee effectiveness?, in Evaluation and its Discontents: Do We Learn from Experience, in Development? Proceedings of the 9th AFD-EUDN Conference, pp.63-91, published in Revue d'Economie du Développement, n°4, December, pp.67-94.

    2011. Higher education careers in the French public sector, Permanence and change, in Avedduto S. (ed.), Convergence or differentiation. Human resources for research in a changing European scenario, ScriptWeb, Napoli, p.159-184

    2011. La profession académique saisie par la nouvelle gestion publique. Sociologie du travail, Dossier « Nouveau management public dans l’Etat », Ph. Bezes & D. Demazière, eds., vol. 54, n°3, p.313-321. Published on line in English: The Academic profession in the clutches of New Public Management: the French case, in New public management and professionals in the public sector. What new patterns beyond opposition?, vol. 54, Supplement 1, October 2012.

    2009. Une nouvelle université américaine? with Michael M. Crow. Le. Débat: Histoire, Politique, Société, 156 Sept.–Oct.

    2009. Paradeise C., Lichtenberger Y., Universités: réapprendre la responsabilité collégiale, in L’Université en crise. Mort ou résurrection? Revue du Mauss n°33, 1er semestre 2009, 228-243.



    2007. Défis mondiaux, convergences européennes et traditions universitaires : un équilibre à trouver, Esprit, numéro spécial universités et recherche, décembre