Educational policy; Teacher education; Childhood education; Social and educative transformation; School mediation; Ethics and justice in school education
Pereira, Fátima (2013). Concepts, policies and practices of teacher education: An analysis of studies on teacher education in Portugal. Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 39(5), 474-491. doi:10.1080/02607476.2013.844957. JCR ; Scopus
Pereira, Fátima (2013). Initial teacher education for social justice and teaching work in urban schools: An (im)pertinent reflection. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 59(2), 162-180.Scopus
Lopes, Amélia, & Pereira, Fátima (2012). Everyday life and everyday learning: The ways in which pre-service teacher education curriculum can encourage personal dimensions of teacher identity. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(1), 17-38. JCR ; Scopus
Pereira, Fátima (2011). In-service teacher education and scholar innovation: The semantics of action and reflection on action as a mediation device. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(11), 33-50. Scopus
Pereira, Fátima (2010). Infância, educação escolar e profissionalidade docente. Um mapeamento social dos discursos em formação inicial de professores [Childhood, school education and teacher professional development. Social mapping of the discourses on initial education of teachers]. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian e Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Pereira, Fátima (2009). Conceptions and knowledge about childhood in initial teacher training: Changes in recent decades and their impact on teacher professionality, and on schooling in childhood. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(8), 1009-1017. JCR ; Scopus