Isabel Menezes
Professeur.e des universités, directeur.rice de recherche ou assimilé
University of Porto
imenezes [at]

Adresse Professionnelle
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação
Rua Alfredo Allen
4200-135 Porto
Sur le web

  •  Sciences de l'éducation

  •   Équipe(s) de recherche ou département

  • Politiques publiques et gouvernance

  • Mots clés

    Publications majeures

    Ribeiro, N., Malafaia, C., Neves, T., Ferreira, P. D. & Menezes, I. (2015). Constraints and opportunities for civic and political participation: Perceptions of young people with migrant and non-migrant background in Portugal. Journal of Youth Studies, 18:6, 685-705.

    Rodrigues, M., Menezes, I. & Ferreira, P. (2015). The organisational and educational context of the Portuguese Catholic Scout Association: their impact on youth participation and work in communities. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(1), 148-175.

    Ribeiro, N., Neves, T. & Menezes, I. (2014). Educação para a cidadania em Portugal: contributos para analisar a sua evolução no currículo escolar português. Currículo sem Fronteiras, 14, 3, 12-31.

    Pais, S., Rodrigues, M. & Menezes, I. (2014). Community as locus for health formal and non-formal education: the significance of ecological and collaborative research for promoting health literacy. Frontiers in Public Health, 2:283.

    Dias, Teresa S. & Menezes, I. (2014). Children and adolescents as political actors: Collective visions of politics and citizenship. Journal of Moral Education, 43, 3, 250-268.

    Fernandes-Jesus, M., Cicognani, E. & Menezes, I. (2014). Atitudes e participação cívica e política: jovens brasileiros/as em Portugal. Psicologia e Sociedade, 26, 3, 572-582.

    Menezes, I. & Ferreira, Pedro (2014). Cidadania participatória no cotidiano escolar: A vez e a voz das crianças e dos jovens. Educar em Revista, 53, 131-147.

    Ribeiro, N., Malafaia, C., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Neves, T. & Menezes, I. (2014). Europe as a Beacon of Democracy? Citizenship Policies relating to Youth and Migrants in Portugal. Journal of Civil Society, 10, 1, 51-68.

    Queiroz, L. B. & Menezes, I. (2013). Exploring the limits and potentials of youth participation in public policy as citizenship learning: A study in the State of Acre, Brazil. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 12¸ 3, 51-59. 

    Loja, E., Costa, E. & Menezes, I. (2013). Quality of life and disability: The adequacy of Schalock’s model to the Portuguese context. Spanish Journal of Psycology, 16, e16, 1-13. DOI:

    Malafaia, C., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Ribeiro, N., Neves, T., Coimbra, J. L. & Menezes, I. (2013). Civic and political e-participation of young immigrants: ‘Digital hope’ for inclusion? International Journal of E-Politics, 4 (1), 32-49. 

    Menezes, I., Ribeiro, N. & Cabral-Gouveia, Carmo (2013). The individual and contextual impact of a school-based exhibition for AIDS prevention: a mixed methodology approach. Health Education Journal, 72 (3), 243–253. 

    Dias, Teresa S. & Menezes, I. (2013). The role of classroom experiences and school ethos in the development of children as political actors: Confronting the vision of pupils and teachers. Educational and Child Psychology, 30, 1. 

    Loja, E., Costa, E, Hughes, B. & Menezes, I. (2013). Disability, embodiment and ableism: stories of resistance. Disability & Society, 28¸12, 190-203. 

    Fernandes-Jesus, M., Ferreira, P., & Menezes, I. (2012). Psicologia Política em Portugal: A importância de cruzar fronteiras. Psicologia Política, 12, 25, 509-530.

    Coimbra, J., Duckett, P., Fryer, D., Makkawi, Menezes, I., Seedat, M. & Walker. C. (2012). Rethinking community psychology: critical insights. The Australian Community Psychologist, 24(2), 135-142.

    Pais, S., Guedes, M.  & Menezes, I. (2012).The values of empowerment and citizenship and the experience of children and adolescents with a chronic disease. Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 11, 2, 133-144. 

    Ana Bela Ribeiro , Mariana Rodrigues , Andreia Caetano , Sofia Pais Isabel Menezes Promoting "active citizenships"?: the critical vision of NOGs over citizenship education as an educational priority across the europe International Journal of Progressive Education, Vol.8 nº 3, pp.32-47, 2012 

    Ferreira, Pedro, Coimbra, Joaquim L., & Menezes, I. (2012). “Diversity within diversity”: Exploring connections between community, participation and citizenship. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 11¸ 3, 118-132. 

    Fernandes-Jesus, M., Malafaia, C., Ferreira, P., Cicognani, E. & Menezes, I. (2012). The many faces of Hermes: The quality of participation experiences and its effects on migrant and non-migrant youth. Human Affairs, 22 (3): 434-447.

    Ribeiro, N., Malafaia, C., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Neves, T., Ferreira, P. D. & Menezes, I. (2012). Education and citizenship: redemption or disempowerment? A study of Portuguese-speaking migrant (and non-migrant) youth in Portugal. Power and Education, 4, 2, 207-218. 

    Ferreira, P. D., Azevedo, C. & Menezes, I. (2012). The developmental quality of participation experiences: Beyond the rhetoric that "participation is always good!”. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 3, 599-610