Alain Patrick Olivier
Professeur.e des universités, directeur.rice de recherche ou assimilé
Université de Nantes
alain-patrick.olivier [at]

Adresse Professionnelle
Université de Nantes / Département de sciences de l'éducation
chemin la Censive du Tertre
BP 81227
44312 Nantes cedex 3
Sur le web

  •  Philosophie

  • Thématiques de recherche
    • Philosophie de l’éducation
    • Philosophie allemande
    • Philosophie de l’art

  • Formation et développement professionnel des enseignants

  • Mots clés

    Publications majeures
    [2014] Théorie de l'éducation et philosophie politique selon Axel Honneth : article de revue

    Olivier, A. P. (2014). Théorie de l'éducation et philosophie politique selon Axel Honneth. Penser l'éducation, n°35, 93-105. This paper discusses a recent Axel Honneth's contribution to the education sciences which argues that from a modern philosophical point of view, a theory of democracy cannot be separated from a theory of education, though this connection becomes looser in Western democracies. That implies to make explicit the epistemological and ideological reasons which could explain this relation and to consider the conditions of a possible regeneration of the idea of a democratic education in contemporary societies. The analysis also gives the opportunity to assess Honneth's contribution within the historical and philosophical context of the Frankfurt School.

    [2013] La fonction de l'esthétique dans l'éducation: la théorie et l'action de Victor Cousin : article de revue

    Olivier, A. P. (2013). La fonction de l'esthétique dans l'éducation : la théorie et l'action de Victor Cousin. Recherches en éducation, n°16, 143-151. (The Function of the Aesthetics in the Education System. The Theory and the Action of Victor Cousin: This article shows how the theoretical foundation and the teaching structures of aesthetics as practiced in France have their origins in the theory and action of the philosopher Victor Cousin. At the same time, this penetration of aesthetics into the education system was limited: a number of epistemological obstacles of an intrascientific or ideological nature explain why aesthetics and philosophical teaching itself have, until now, taken up a specific place – at once marginal and central – in the university system and in the general education system.)