Nafsika Alexiadou
Professeur.e des universités, directeur.rice de recherche ou assimilé
Umeå University
nafsika.alexiadou [at]

Adresse Professionnelle
Umea universitet
Johan Bures väg 16
SE 90187 Umea
Sur le web

  •  Sciences de l'éducation

  •   Équipe(s) de recherche ou département

    Thématiques de recherche

    Education policy and politics, European Union governance, equality and inclusion, the Open Method of Coordination in Education

  • Inégalités scolaires et sociales
  • Politiques publiques et gouvernance

  • Mots clés

    Publications majeures

    Alexiadou, Nafsika & Lange, Bettina (2015) Europeanizing the National Education Space? Adjusting to the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) in the UK, International Journal of Public Administration, 38:3, 157-166

    Alexiadou, Nafsika & Essex, Jane (2015): Teacher education for inclusive practice – responding to policy, European Journal of Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2015.1031338

    Alexiadou, Nafsika (2014) Policy learning and europeanisation in education: the governance of a field and the transfer of knowledge. In: Andreas Nordin & Daniel Sundberg (ed.), Transnational policy flows in European education: the making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field (pp. 123-140). Oxford: Symposium Books Oxford Studies in Comparative Education

    Alexiadou, Nafsika & Findlow, Sally (2014) Developing the educated citizen: changing frameworks for the roles of Universities in Europe and England. Annales, Series Historia et Sociologia, ISSN 1408-5348, Vol. 24, nr 3, 371-382

    Alexiadou, Nafsika & van de Bunt-Kokhuis, Sylvia (2013) Policy space and the governance of education: transnational influences on institutions and identities in the Netherlands and the UK, Comparative Education, 49:3, 344-360.

    Alexiadou, Nafsika & Lange, Bettina (2013) Deflecting European Union Influence on National Education Policy-Making: The Case of the United Kingdom, Journal of European Integration, 35:1, 37-52

    Alexiadou, Nafsika (2013) Privatising public education across Europe: Shifting boundaries and the politics of (re)claiming schools. Education Inquiry, 4(3): 413-422.

    Alexiadou, Nafsika (2013) Privatising public education across Europe - Shifting boundaries and the politics of (re)claiming schools. Education Inquiry. 4(3) 581-600,

    Lange, Bettina & Alexiadou, Nafsika (2010) Policy learning and governance of education policy in the EU, Journal of Education Policy, 25:4, 443-463.

    Alexiadou, Nafsika, Fink-Hafner, Danica & Lange, Bettina (2010) Education policy convergence through the Open Method of Co-ordination (OMC): Theoretical reflections and implementation in ‘old’ and ‘new’ national contexts. European Educational Research Journal (online), ISSN 1474-9041, Vol. 9, nr 3, 346-359

    Lange, Bettina & Alexiadou, Nafsika (2007) New forms of European Union governance in the education sector?: A preliminary analysis of the Open Method of Coordination. European Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1474-9041, Vol. 6, nr 4, 321-335.

    Alexiadou, Nafsika (2007) The Europeanisation of education policy: Researching changing governance and 'new' modes of coordination. Research in Comparative and International Education, ISSN 1745-4999, Vol. 2, nr 2, 102-116