Mirella D'Ascenzo
Maître de conférence, chargé.e de recherche ou assimilé
University of Bologna
mirella.dascenzo [at] unibo.it

Adresse Professionnelle
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione 'G. M. Bertin'
Via Filippo Re 6
40126 Bologna
Sur le web

  •  Sciences de l'éducation

  • Thématiques de recherche

    My research has focused in recent years on the study of education policies and school Italian, with the reconstruction of the genesis and development of some educational institutions and training school and extracurricular activities in the city of Bologna in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with attention to both issues policies to those teaching and learning evident in their plot, highlighted especially in the monographs La scuola elementare in età liberale. Il caso Bologna (1859-1911) (1997) and Tra centro e periferia. La scuola elementare a Bologna dalla Daneo-Credaro all'avocazione statale 1859-1933, (2006); Scuola, didattica e musei tra Otto e Novecento. Il Museo didattico 'Luigi Bombicci di Bologna (2008); Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente ta Otto e Novecento (2011). Within these strands have developed other educational issues related to publishing and education, training and on-going initial master well-specificity 'femminile'-and the history of education, interweaving between theoretical models and pedagogical practices . The methodological approach has focused on local bibliographic and archival sources, in their continuous interweaving with national ones, in the vein of historical research aimed at the reconstruction of the 'Italian geography education' in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with the approach of Local Search and micro. Further research topics are the most recent history of physical education and the more remote-from-the doctoral thesis of theoretical and practical models of museums schools and education, within which are also conducting research oral history to digital media. Please see my 'Publications' in italian version.


  • Pratiques professionnelles et pédagogie
  • Formation et développement professionnel des enseignants
  • Curriculum et contenus d'enseignement

  • Niveau
  • enseignement post-secondaire ou premier cycle de l'enseignement supérieur
  • deuxième et troisième cycles de l'enseignement supérieur

  • Mots clés

    Publications majeures


    M. D'Ascenzo, Col libro in mano. Maestri, editoria e vita scolastica tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, SEI, 2013, pp. 234


    M. D'Ascenzo, Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, CLUEB, 2011, pp. 195.


    M. D'Ascenzo, Tra centro e periferia. La scuola elementare a Bologna dalla Daneo-Credaro all'avocazione statale (1911-1933), Bologna, CLUEB, 2006, pp. 439.


    M. D'Ascenzo, La scuola elementare nell'età liberale. Il caso Bologna (1859-1911), Bologna, CLUEB, 1997, pp. 444.


    M. D'Ascenzo, R. Vignoli (a cura di M. D'Ascenzo), Scuola, didattica e musei tra Otto e Novecento. Il Museo didattico 'Luigi Bombicci' di Bologna, Bologna, Clueb, 2008.

    M. D'Ascenzo (a cura di), Tutti a scuola? L'istruzione elementare nella pianura bolognese tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, CLUEB, 2013.