Youth cultures and mediation; Research methodologies in education; Youth, socioeducative pathways and networks; Youth cultures and online communities; Youth, education and remote and rural contexts; Gender studies
Webster, Joan Parker, & Silva, Sofia M. (2013). Doing educational ethnography in an online world: methodological challenges, choices and innovations. Ethnography and Education, 8(2), 123-130. doi:10.1080/17457823.2013.792508. Scopus
Leite, Carlinda, Fernandes, Preciosa, & Silva, Sofia M. (2013). O lugar da educação para a cidadania no sistema educativo português: Perspetivas de docentes de uma escola TEIP / The place of citizenship education in the portuguese educational system: perspectives of teachers from a TEIP school. Revista Educação – PUCRS (BR), 36(1), 35-43.
Silva, Sofia M. (2012). Da casa da juventude aos confins do mundo: Etnografia de fragilidades, medos e estratégias juvenis. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Silva, Sofia M. (2011). Getting closer to the stranger: Methodological and conceptual challenges in educational contexts. In Tobias Werlr (Ed.), Heterogeneity: General didactics meets the stranger / Transformation of Education: European perspectives (pp. 55-64, Vol. I). Münster: Waxmann.
Silva, Sofia M., & Landri, Paolo (Eds.) (2012). Rethinking education ethnography: Researching on-line communities and interactions. Porto: CIIE. [E-book]