Attention, fonctions exécutives, métacognition, autorégulation
Allix, P.**, Lubin, A., Lanoë, C. & Rossi, S. (2023). Connais-toi toi-même: Une perspective globale de la métacognition. Psychologie Française, 68, 451-469.
Anquetil, M.**, Roche-Labarbe, N. & Rossi, S. (2023). Tactile sensory processing as a precursor of executive attention: towards early detection of attention impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders. WIREs Cognitive Science, 14 : e1640.
Bréchet, C., Mortier, A., Blanc, N. & Rossi, S. (2022). draw me a brain: The use of drawing as a tool to examine children’s developing knowledge about the “black box”. Frontiers in Psychology, ID 951784.
Rossi, S., Vidal, J., Letang, M., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2019). Adolescents and adults need inhibitory control to compare fractions. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 5, 314-336.
Rossi, S., Lubin, A., & Lanoë, C. (2017). Découvrir le cerveau à l’école. Les sciences cognitives au service des apprentissages. Paris: Canopé Editions, Ministère de l’Education Nationale.
Rossi, S. (2016).Attention, fonctions exécutives, imagerie cérébrale et TDAH. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 140, 40-49.
Rossi, S., Lanoë, C., Poirel, N., Pineau, A., Houdé, O., & Lubin, A. (2015). When I met my brain: Participating in a neuroimaging study influences children’s naïve mind-brain conceptions. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 4, 92-97.