Veille If?

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Bibliographie de la veille de l’Ifé



  • Matthews Peter, Higham Rob, Stoll Louise, et al. (2011). Prepared to lead : How schools, federations and chains grow education leaders (p. 76). London : Institute of Education.

  • Ross Dorene, Adams Alyson, Bondy Elizabeth, et al. (2011). Preparing teacher leaders: Perceptions of the impact of a cohort-based, job embedded, blended teacher leadership program. Teaching And Teacher Education, vol. 27, n° 8, p. 1213-1222. Doi : 10.1016/j.tate.2011.06.005
    Résumé : This qualitative study was designed to examine teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of the impact of a graduate program designed to prepare teacher leaders. Impact was investigated through interviews with 20 graduates and 6 principals. Using Mezirow’s concept of transformational learning, the study documents perceived transformation of teachers’ frames of reference: two related to teaching (adopt an inquiry stance; learn to view oneself as an autonomous professional), and two related to leadership (adopt a leadership stance; view student learning as a communal responsibility). The study includes implications for the design of graduate level teacher education programs to enhance their impact and effectiveness.

  • Saget Pierre (2011). Principe pour l'élaboration d'une politique éducative d'établissement (No. 2011-49) (p. 18). Paris : Inspection académique de Nantes. Consulté à l'adresse

  • Taylor Mike, Yates Anne, Meyer Luanna H., et al. (2011). Teacher professional leadership in support of teacher professional development. Teaching And Teacher Education, vol. 27, n° 1, p. 85-94. Doi : 10.1016/j.tate.2010.07.005
    Résumé : Counteracting perceptions of teaching as a profession with a flat career trajectory may require professional leadership opportunities for experienced teachers that differ substantively from those typically available. This evaluation study investigated the results of a professional development initiative for subject specialist teachers seconded to a leadership role in their curriculum areas. Interview and survey data supported teacher growth in subject expertise and leadership capacity attributed to the opportunities provided by the new teacher-leadership role. The findings of this study indicate expanded leadership roles may further develop experienced professionals while simultaneously supporting teacher knowledge during a period of embedding educational reform.

  • Taylor Monica, Goeke Jennifer, Klein Emily, et al. (2011). Changing leadership: Teachers lead the way for schools that learn. Teaching And Teacher Education, vol. 27, n° 5, p. 920-929. Doi : 10.1016/j.tate.2011.03.003
    Résumé : This paper presents findings from a three-year, qualitative study of teachers enrolled in a Masters of Teacher Leadership program. Researchers sought to understand the ways teachers’ beliefs about and understandings of teacher leadership were affected by their participation in a formal teacher leadership program, as well as the kinds of actions they took up as a result of this participation. Data indicate three significant ways participants’ work as teacher leaders was developed and enhanced, including: (a) identifying and amplifying their professional voice, (b) deepening and extending their voice as they plan, and (c) reframing their work/shift responsibility through constructing widening circles of influence and impact. Authors identify implications of their research for growing teacher leaders, school improvement and change, changing school culture, enhancing student engagement, and building new structures.

  • Thibert Rémi (2011). Inspection scolaire : du contrôle à l'accompagnement ? Dossier D'actualité Veille Et Analyses, n° 67, p. .




  • Fitzgerald Tanya & Gunter Helen M. (2008). Contesting the orthodoxy of teacher leadership. International Journal Of Leadership In Education, vol. 11, n° 4, p. 331-340. Doi : 10.1080/13603120802317883
    Résumé : Terms such as ‘leader’, ‘manager’, ‘teacher’ and ‘student’ prevail in most schools and, accordingly, school hierarchies are viewed as rational ways of organizing teachers and their work that institutionalize authority. We are deeply concerned that the term ‘teacher leadership’ has crept into educational vocabulary and there has not been sustained and robust debate either about the term or its use and misuse in schools. Although one of the positive aspects that this term signals is the possibility of more participation in schools, the enduring contradiction is that leadership remains hierarchical and connected with organizational purpose. More specifically, teacher leadership is a seductively functionalist way in which teacher commitment to neo‐liberal reform has been secured.

  • Pochard Marcel (2008). Livre vert sur l'évolution du métier d'enseignant (rapport public) (p. 230). Paris : Ministère de l'Education Nationale. Consulté à l'adresse
    Résumé : « Dresser un diagnostic de l'état de la condition enseignante » et « tracer les contours des évolutions de la fonction et du métier d'enseignant dans les décennies à venir », telle est la mission confiée par le Gouvernement à la commission présidée par Marcel Pochard. Celle-ci dresse, dans une première partie, un diagnostic de la condition des enseignants : leur situation sociale, professionnelle et de rémunération, la façon dont ils exercent leur métier, la façon dont ils sont gérés et la façon dont ils perçoivent leur propre situation. Dans la deuxième partie, la commission s'est efforcée de traiter quatre thèmes qui lui paraissent majeurs dans l'évolution de la condition enseignante : celui de la responsabilité à reconnaître aux équipes éducatives, établissements ou écoles; celui du contenu du métier des enseignants et des conditions réglementaires de son exercice ; celui de leur recrutement et de leur formation ; enfin celui de leurs carrières professionnelles.



  • Muijs Daniel & Harris Alma (2006). Teacher led school improvement: Teacher leadership in the UK. Teaching And Teacher Education, vol. 22, n° 8, p. 961-972. Doi : 10.1016/j.tate.2006.04.010
    Résumé : Teacher leadership is increasingly being seen as a key vehicle for school improvement and renewal. However, research on this phenomenon is limited, especially outside of the US. This article presents findings from an empirical study of teacher leadership in the UK, aimed at exploring both the ways in which teacher leadership can influence school and teacher development, and what in-school factors can help or hinder the development of teacher leadership in schools. The study was undertaken using a qualitative case study approach, purposively selected as being sites where teacher leadership was operational. Data indicated that teacher leadership was characterised by a variety of formal and informal groupings, often facilitated by involvement in external programmes. Teacher leadership was seen to empower teachers, and contributed to school improvement through this empowerment and the spreading of good practice and initiatives generated by teachers. A range of conditions needed to be in place in schools for teacher leadership to be successful, including a culture of trust and support, structures that supported teacher leadership but were clear and transparent, strong leadership, with the head usually being the originator of teacher leadership, and engagement in innovative forms of professional development.


  • Talbot Laurent (2004). Les pratiques professionnelles des directeurs d’école. In  Jean-François Marcel (Éd.), Les pratiques enseignantes hors de la classe (p. 87-113). Paris : L'Harmattan.

  • York-Barr Jennifer & Duke Karen (2004). What Do We Know About Teacher Leadership? Findings From Two Decades of Scholarship. Review Of Educational Research, vol. 74, n° 3, p. 255-316. Doi : 10.3102/00346543074003255
    Résumé : The concept and practice of teacher leadership have gained momentum in the past two decades. Teachers are assuming more leadership functions at both instructional and organizational levels of practice. Empirical literature reveals numerous small-scale, qualitative studies that describe dimensions of teacher leadership practice, teacher leader characteristics, and conditions that promote and challenge teacher leadership. Less is known about how teacher leadership develops and about its effects. In addition, the construct of teacher leadership is not well defined, conceptually or operationally. Future research focused on the differentiated paths by which teachers influence organizational capacity, professionalism, instructional improvement, and student learning has the potential to advance the practice of teacher leadership. A conceptual framework is offered to guide such inquiry.



  • Dubet François, Bergounioux Alain & Duru-Bellat Marie (1999). Le Collège de l'an 2000 : rapport à la ministre déléguée chargée de l'enseignement scolaire (rapport public) (p. 144). Ministère de l'Education Nationale. Consulté à l'adresse
    Résumé : Ce rapport fait la synthèse de la consultation menée dans les collèges. Après une évaluation de leur fonctionnement (globalement efficaces mais renforçant les inégalités, avec une chute des motivations des élèves et un accroissement des difficultés du métier face à la crise sociale), il fait un certain nombre de propositions : notamment sur les programmes (à fixer par les établissements), la vie scolaire (constitution de lieux de vie pour les élèves), les classes (abandon des classes de niveau), les enseignants (développement du travail en équipe à travers la constitution de groupes disciplinaires).
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