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Review of Education

Référence :  Vol. 11, n°1, avril 2023

  • Effects of using picture books in mathematics teaching and learning: A systematic literature review from 2000–2022, Qiaoping Zhang, Jin Sun, Wing-ying Yeung
  • Research with and by children: A systematic literature review, Aishah Bakhtiar, Megan Lang, Becky Shelley, Melody West
  • The relationship between teachers' day-to-day classroom management practices and anxiety in primary school children: A systematic review, Helen Manley, En-Nien Tu, Tessa Reardon, Cathy Creswell
  • A review of the methodological characteristics of vocabulary interventions for emergent bilinguals in preschool to sixth grade, Alain Bengochea, Sabrina F. Sembiante

Informations complémentaires :

mot(s) clé(s) :  recherche en éducation