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Veille et analyses de l'ifé

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Educational Research

Référence :  Vol. 57, n°1, mars 2015


A comparison of teacher and test-based assessment for Spanish primary and secondary students Oscar Marcenaro-Gutierrez & Anna Vignoles Pages: 1-21 DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2014.983720 Gender stereotypes and gendered vocational aspirations among Swiss secondary school students Andreas Hadjar & Belinda Aeschlimann Pages: 22-42 DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2014.983719 Methodologies in Cultural–Historical Activity Theory: The example of school-based development May Britt Postholm Pages: 43-58 DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2014.983723 How young children view mathematical representations: a study using eye-tracking technology David Bolden, Patrick Barmby, Stephanie Raine & Matthew Gardner Pages: 59-79 DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2014.983718 Effectiveness of the KiVa antibullying programme on bully-victims, bullies and victims An Yang & Christina Salmivalli Pages: 80-90 DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2014.983724 Rich schools, poor schools. Hidden resource inequalities between primary schools Mayke Poesen-Vandeputte & Ides Nicaise

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