Veille If?

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Bibliographie de la veille de l’Ifé



  • Amore rew, Hoeflich Nichole M. & Tuesday Kaitlin Pennington | (2015). Teacher Leadership. The pathway to Common Core Success (p. 36). Washington : Center for American Progress. Consulté à l'adresse
    Résumé : A new CAP report highlights six districts that are using teacher leadership and labor-management collaboration to successfully implement the Common Core State Standards.

  • Barrios-Arós Charo, Camarero-Figuerola Marta, Tierno-García Juana María, et al. (2015). Modelos y funciones de dirección escolar en España: el caso de Tarragona. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, n° 67, p. .
    Résumé : Different research on the professionalization of school management show the distance between the relevant legislation and the actual ability of the directors to develop some functions entrusted, such as pedagogical leadership and coordination, innovation and the ones of relationship with the community. Therefore, in our study we set out to identify, with a methodology to obtain representative data in a broad geographical context, different models of school management at public and private-funded elementary schools and contrast them with current legislation, to deepen in what leadership roles directors find more difficulties and require therefore conditions of greater support, training and collaborative work with other directors. We have worked with a sample of 128 principals of primary schools in the province of Tarragona (Spain). The results show a greater presence of management models than pedagogical leadership as well as the avoidance of actions relating to the coordination and participation of the educational community in the governance of schools. Also appear relationships between leadership, gender and experience in the job.

  • Bernal Martínez de Soria Aurora & Ibarrola García Sara (2015). Liderazgo del profesor: objetivo básico de la gestión educativa. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, n° 67, p. 55-70.
    Résumé : Numerous reports show the relationship between the management, the processes of educational leadership and achievements in the quality of education. In this study we emphasize the importance of teacher’s leadership as a key objective of management in schools who want to distinguish by their pedagogical leadership. We also reviewed the most representative bibliography of the last decade about leadership and education, looking for those publications that refer to teacher’s leadership. We start by defining the concept and weed out the main features of the recent research about the teacher himself as a leader, and highlight the research focus that have been opened recently on the subject. Since the main difficulty is finding sources working this specific issue, we address the issue through existing studies on two topics related: some types of leadership and professional development of teachers.

  • Dutercq Yves, Gather-Thurler Monica & Pelletier Guy (2015). Le leadership éducatif (1ᵉʳ éd.). Louvain-la-Neuve : De Boeck.
    Résumé : Les auteurs de cet ouvrage cherchent à interroger un concept emprunté à la culture anglo-saxonne, dont les tenants et aboutissants manquent trop souvent de précision dans la littérature francophone. Six contributions dauteurs appartenant à différents systèmes éducatifs francophones tentent une mise en perspective de la problématique à partir de trois volets de questionnement clairement délimités : dans quelle mesure le leadership est-il autre chose quune rhétorique de la transformation des systèmes éducatifs ? quelles sont donc les conditions favorables à une mutation de lexercice de la fonction administrative traditionnelle ? quels moyens, outils, connaissances les gestionnaires scolaires doivent-ils maîtriser pour diffuser leur influence ?

  • Endrizzi Laure (2015). Le développement de compétences en milieu professionnel. Dossier De Veille De L'ifé, n° 103, p. 32.

  • Meirieu Philippe (2015). Comment aider nos enfants à réussir, à l'école, dans leur vie, pour le monde. Paris : Bayard.
  • Rey Olivier (2015). Le changement, c'est comment ? Dossier De Veille De L'ifé, n° 104, p. .


  • Aspen Institute (2014). Leading from the front of the classroom : a roadmap to teacher leadership that works (p. 24). Washington D. C. : Aspen Institute.

  • Barthélémy Véronique (2014). Le Conseiller Principal d’Education au cœur de la vie scolaire :Electron libre ou atome crochu dans ses relations aux acteurs ? Recherches &Amp; Éducations, n° 11, p. 67-79.
    Résumé : Les travaux dans le champ de la sociologie de l’éducation sont marqués par une évolution des paradigmes, se focalisant tout d’abord sur l’efficacité scolaire puis sur l’amélioration scolaire. Ainsi, il ne s’agit plus de considérer uniquement les performances des élèves mais d’envisager aussi la construction de la politique éducative. L’ensemble des acteurs de la communauté éducative se verra alors dans l’obligation de s’investir dans le champ de la vie scolaire. Or, cette collaboration n’est pas naturelle et la difficulté résidera dans la capacité du chef d’établissement à construire des projets et des relations entre acteurs. Dans cet article, nous analyserons les liens et tensions existants pour envisager le pilotage de la vie scolaire, et ce autour d’un acteur particulier, le conseiller principal d’éducation (CPE).

  • Bradley-Levine Jill, Mosier Gina & Perkins Tyonka (2014). Perceptions of Teacher Leadership within the New Tech High School Model. International Journal Of Teacher Leadership, vol. 5, n° 1, p. 1-18.
    Résumé : This study examines teacher leadership within the framework of a specific school reform model, focusing on an empowered school culture, including teacher involvement in curriculum and instruction, school policy decisions, and professional development activities. Using a concurrent triangulation mixed methods design, data were collected through a teacher survey and teacher and administrator interviews. Findings show that reform implementation affects teachers' perceptions of teacher leadership activities and opportunities.

  • Coggins Celine & McGovern Kate (2014). Five Goals for Teacher Leadership. Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 95, n° 7, p. 15-21. Doi : 10.1177/003172171409500704
    Résumé : Effective teacher leadership improves teaching and learning outcomes and gives teachers voice in policy making at all levels.

  • DeMatthews David E. (2014). Principal and Teacher Collaboration: An Exploration of Distributed Leadership in Professional Learning Communities. International Journal Of Educational Leadership And Management, vol. 2, n° 2, p. 176-206. Doi : 10.4471/ijelm.2014.16
    Résumé : Professional learning communities (PLCs) can be powerful tools for school improvement but require principals and teachers to collaborate and work together.  This article reports on a qualitative multi-case study focused on six elementary schools in West Texas that had been identified for having effective PLCs.  Principals and teachers were observed and interviewed over the course of one academic school year to understand how leadership was distributed across the school to facilitate effective PLCs.  Findings highlight the ways principals distribute leadership across their school, relevant teacher and principal interactions, and how key aspects of PLCs are influenced by principals, teacher leaders, and teachers.   Findings have implications for in-service professional development experts within school districts and faculty working in principal preparation programs.

  • Derouet Jean-Louis & Normand Romuald (2014). La question du leadership en éducation: perspectives européennes. Louvain-la-Neuve : Academia-l'Harmattan.

  • Fairman Janet & Mackenzie Sarah (2014). Supporting teacher learning and leadership: Progress and challenge. In  . Présenté à European Conference of Educational Research, Porto : European Educational Research Association.

  • Frost David (2014). Non-positional teacher leadership : a perpetual motion miracle. In  . Présenté à ECER 2014, Porto.
  • Frost David (2014). Transforming education through teacher leadership. Cambridge : University of Cambridge.
  • Marcel Jean-François (2014). Les "règles du jeu" de la coordination : le cas du système d'enseignement agricole public français. In  Michèle Garant & Caroline Letor (Éd.), Encadrement et leadership ? Nouvelles pratiques en éducation et formation (p. 109-124). Louvain-La-Neuve : De Boeck.
  • Perrenoud Olivier (2014). Cadre intermédiaire dans une institution scolaire : visions d'enseignants. In  Michèle Garant & Caroline Letor (Éd.), Encadrement et leadership ? Nouvelles pratiques en éducation et formation (p. 91-108). Louvain-La-Neuve : De Boeck.

  • Poekert Philip (2014). Learning about teachers learning to lead: Reflections on themes in the teacher leadership literature. In  . Présenté à European Conference on Educational Research, Porto : European Educational Research Association.

  • Sato Mistilina, Hyler Maria E. & Monte-Sano Chauncey B. (2014). Learning to Lead with Purpose: National Board Certification and Teacher Leadership Development. International Journal Of Teacher Leadership, vol. 5, n° 1, p. 1-23.
    Résumé : How do teachers decide what leadership work to engage? This exploratory study examined the leadership activities and responsibilities that National Board Certified Teachers identified prior to and after achieving National Board Certification. We conducted structured interviews with a diverse group of 15 National Board Certified Teachers from a metropolitan region in the USA. Teachers described that the National Board Certification process influenced their leadership in three ways: (1) opportunities for leadership; (2) choices of leadership activities and responsibilities; and (3) approaches to leadership activities and responsibilities in which they engage. Implications for teacher leadership development around articulation of purpose for what leadership opportunities to engage are discussed.

  • Shelton Michael Patrick (2014). Teacher Leadership: Development and Research Based on Teacher Leader Model Standards. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT EDWARDSVILLE.

  • Struyve Charlotte, Meredith Chloé & Gielen Sarah (2014). About intended aims and unintended outcomes: The perception and evaluation of teacher leaders concerning teacher leadership practices. International Congress For School Effectiveness And Improvement (Icsei).

  • Thorpe Anthony & Melnikova Julija (2014). The system of middle leadership in secondary schools in England and its implications for the Lithuanian education system. Education In A Changing Society, vol. 1, p. 33-39. Doi : 10.15181/atee.v1i0.660
    Résumé : This paper explores the system of middle leadership in English schools and its implications for the Lithuanian education system. The paper draws on the findings from original research investigated three areas relating to educational middle leadership positions in education system of England including: the formal organizational role of middle leaders; their school responsibilities and the training and professional development of middle leaders. The paper is sought to use the case of middle leadership in English secondary schools to raise questions and identify implications for Lithuania where choices about the future of education policy and schools and are being considered. KEYWORDS: middle leaders, secondary schools, England, Lithuania.DOI:


  • Becchetti-Bizot Catherine, Durpaire Jean-Louis, Taupin Alain, et al. (2013). Le recours à l’expérimentation par les établissements autorisé par l’article L. 401-1 du code de l’éducation (No. 2013-057) (p. 71). Paris : IGEN.

  • Feyfant Annie (2013). L'établissement scolaire, espace de travail et de formation des enseignants ? Dossier D'actualité Veille Et Analyses, n° 87, p. 20.
  • Flores Maria-Assunçao (2013). Teacher leadership in Portugal : constraints and possibilities. In  ECER 2013. Istanbul, Turkey : ECER.

  • Isabelle Claire, Genier Eric, Davidson Ann-Louise, et al. (2013). CAP: un leadership partagé entre le conseil scolaire, la direction et les enseignants. Education Et Francophonie, vol. 41, n° 2, p. .
    Résumé : Le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario (2007) suggère fortement aux directions de modifier la structure de fonctionnement de leurs écoles pour que celles-ci travaillent en communauté d’apprentissage professionnelle (CAP). Or, force est de constater que peu d’études s’attardent au soutien à apporter aux directions pour qu’elles répondent avec efficacité à cette exigence et, plus particulièrement, pour que la nouvelle structure organisationnelle favorise le développement professionnel des enseignants et la réussite chez tous les élèves. Afin de comprendre les conditions d’implantation et d’évolution d’un fonctionnement en CAP, une étude de nature qualitative a été menée dans deux écoles élémentaires francophones de l’Ontario qui ont atteint un stade avancé de fonctionnement en CAP. Les résultats de notre étude soulignent l’importance d’un « leadership partagé » entre le conseil scolaire, la direction d’école et le personnel enseignant pour instaurer et faire évoluer un fonctionnement en CAP.

  • Newton Paul, Riveros Augusto & Costa Jose da (2013). The Influence of Teacher Leadership in the Career Advancement of Schoolteachers: A Case Study. Journal Of Educational Administration And Foundations, vol. 23, n° 2, p. .
    Résumé : In this paper, we explore the influence of a professional development initiative based on a model of teacher leadership development in the career advancement of a group of school leaders. We investigated the perceptions and understandings held by these school leaders regarding how their experiences as teacher leaders contributed to their career advancement and growth as educational leaders. The findings of this study augment existing scholarship on the nature of leadership development and career advancement in educational systems and educational jurisdictions. The study findings suggest that teacher leadership roles may have a significant effect in generating skills and interest in formal leadership and could potentially be a significant factor in leadership succession planning.
  • Penailillo Lorena, Galdames Sergio & Rodriguez Simon (2013). La discusión sobre la formación de lideres intermedios. Fundamentos, aprendizajes y desafíos. Modalités De Leadership Et Indices De Variations De Climat Dans Les Établissements Scolaires, n° 15, p. 49-59.
  • Rich (2013). Climats et pratiques de leadership dans les équipes enseignantes des écoles élémentaires. Modalités De Leadership Et Indices De Variations De Climat Dans Les Établissements Scolaires, n° 15, p. 7-18.

  • Riveros Augusto, Newton Paul & da Costa José (2013). From Teachers To Teacher-leaders: A Case Study. International Journal Of Teacher Leadership, vol. 4, n° 1, p. .
    Résumé : This paper reports on a study of teacher leadership conducted in Alberta, Canada. Twenty-one school teachers and administrators were interviewed about their experiences with a provincial teacher-leader program in which they participated from 1997 to 2007. The participants were asked questions related to their experience in the program and how their participation in this initiative influenced their understanding of teacher leadership. Through an interpretive analysis of the data, we identified four themes that emerged from participant responses: (a) teacher leaders generally emerge through informal processes of leadership in their schools and school districts, (b) teacher leaders develop a broader understanding of educational leadership and policy when they work across jurisdictions and school contexts, (c) teacher leaders can be recruited into broader leadership roles by attending to their professional interests and passions, and (d) teacher leaders require flexible structures in the school that facilitate the development of trust and collegiality with their peers. We conclude that these themes play a crucial role in the development of teacher leadership. The findings of this study have implications for policy development, leader recruitment and retention, and teacher professional development approaches in schools.

  • Sahlberg Pasi (2013). Teachers as Leaders in Finland. Educational Leadership, vol. 71, n° 2, p. 36-40.
    Résumé : The article presents information on teacher leadership in Finland. The author looks at his experiences visiting schools in Finland, where he observed teacher collaboration, teacher satisfaction, and the role that principals play in education. The article also discusses high-performing school systems, teacher education, and educational reform.



  • Brest Philippe (2011). Le leadership dans les organisations publiques : le cas des chefs d’établissement de l’enseignement secondaire. Politiques Et Management Public, n° Vol 28/3, p. .
    Résumé : Le leadership peut susciter de la méfiance dans les organisations publiques. Dans les lycées et collèges, il est pourtant attendu des chefs d’établissement d’être capable de construire et de porter une politique éducative. Pour y faire face et apparaître comme des leaders crédibles, proviseurs et principaux peuvent s’appuyer sur des aspects du leadership transformationnel, mais aussi sur le leadership transactionnel ou sur celui d’une équipe de travail. Malgré des limites, dont un effet dirigeant discuté, ces processus peuvent conduire à des changements organisationnels touchant l’identité professionnelle des acteurs concernés et générant de nouveaux comportements au service des élèves.

  • Draelants Hugues & Dumay Xavier (2011). L'identité des établissements scolaires. Presses Universitaires de France.
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